Non-Medication Treatment for Neuropathy and Chronic Nerve Discomfort is Available in Las Vegas

Non-Medication Treatment for Neuropathy and Chronic Nerve Discomfort is Available in Las Vegas

Call to Claim Your Free Neuropathy Relief Consultation to find out if we can help you! Spots are Limited to the First 23 Callers. Call (702) 323-5643 Now!

(Scroll down to learn more)

My name is Dr. Josh Purcell, D.C. 

I graduated from Logan College of Chiropractic in 2001. I am licensed by the States of Nevada and Idaho. I am very passionate about helping people live healthier, more holistic lives. As the Clinic Director, I focus on bringing the latest state-of-the-art wellness therapies and treatments to the office. I have gone all over the United States studying various ways and techniques on natural health care. Located in Las Vegas , my goal is to help local families achieve optimal health and wellness by avoiding unnecessary drugs and surgeries.  I am dedicated to helping patients that suffer from peripheral neuropathy and nerve pain.

We use state of the art testing and treatments to help patients with neuropathy.

Here is what one of my many patient's had to say about my care:

"I had severe neuropathy and have been in the healthcare industry for over 40 years, so I was skeptical. Now my meds have been cut, my pain is gone and my neurologist is amazed!" 

Disclaimer: Results may vary from individual to individual.

 Mickey R. 
Actual Patient

Call Now to Request
Your FREE Neuropathy Relief Consultation

Spots Limited to the First 23 People who Call By Sunday, February 9th. Call Now to Reserve Your Spot.

(702) 323-5643

Response Deadline:
Sunday, February 9th

What is Peripheral Neuropathy?

Peripheral neuropathy is a condition where nerves are damaged causing weakness, burning pain, numbness, tingling, and debilitating balance problems. The damage to the nerves can be caused by many different problems in the body. Poor blood flow to the nerves, toxic levels of sugar in the blood (diabetes), chronic infections, pesticide exposure and genetic variants are a few of the causes of this debilitating condition. The cause is different for every patient and it must be discovered to help the nerves heal!

Another common cause of nerve damage is auto-immunity.

Auto-immune diseases are diseases where the immune system mistakenly starts to attack the body. That’s right! Many times the immune system is actually killing the nerves of peripheral neuropathy sufferers. This is why thorough testing is vitally important to helping peripheral neuropathy.

Can peripheral nerves heal?

Yes! It is well established in the scientific literature that peripheral nerves can and does heal. The key issue is that not only do we need to get the nerves healing but we have to stop whatever is causing the nerve damage in the first place. When the underlying cause of the neuropathy is discovered and proper support for the nerves are provided it optimizes the ability for the nerves to heal!

In order to effectively heal nerve damage, four factors must be determined.

  1. What is the underlying cause of the nerve damage?
  2. How severe is the nerve damage?
  3. What types of nerve fibers are damaged?
    You have sensory nerves (both small fiber nerves and large diameter nerves) and motor nerves (that control movement of your muscles) NOTE: If there is muscle weakness from neuropathy for greater than two years the damage to the muscles will probably be permanent!
  4. How much treatment will the nerves require to heal?
    This will be dependent on the degree of nerve damage and what types of fibers are damaged.

The treatment that I provide has four main goals...

  • Optimize the environment within the body for nerve healing.
  • Increase blood flow to the nerves.
  • Stimulate the nerves that are damaged (small fiber, large diameter, or motor nerves) to reduce pain and improve balance.
  • Decrease brain-based pain.

​Our exclusive treatment system increases blood flow to the nerves in the feet and/or hands, which allows helps to rejuvenate nerves naturally and has returned many of our patient's feet and/or hands to normal (see testimonials below). No surgery. No addictive medications.

One of the premier treatments to increase blood flow is our new Low Level Light Therapy (LLLT).

LLLT is one of the most powerful non-surgical lasers on the market today and it gets RESULTS!

The light therapy signals Vasoendolithal Growth (VEGF), which signals the production of angiogenesis. Angiogenesis is the creation of new blood vessels, which is needed to repair nerve damage. 

These blood vessels grow back around the peripheral nerves and provide them with the proper nutrients to heal and repair.

We also use state of the art digital electro therapeutic stimulation to assist in the growth of the nerves called Nerve ReEducation. This is used by the Cancers Centers of America in order to help those going through Chemotherapy rebuild the nerves. Nerve ReEducation can even be done at home, so therapy can be done daily! The results can be immediate in both pain relief and restoration of normal sensation.

Nerve cells need two things to heal...

  • Fuel
  • Activation

This makes the combination of high-powered lower level light therapy (FUEL) and Nerve ReEducation (ACTIVATION) the perfect 1-2 punch for nerve regeneration!

The amount of treatment needed to allow the nerves to recover varies from person to person and can only be determined after a detailed neurological and vascular evaluation.

Will It Work For You?

For a limited time, I am offering my neuropathy relief consultation, exam and doctor's report for FREE so people can learn if they are a likely candidate. At the neuropathy consultation we will discuss your symptoms, medical history, treatment options, and whether this treatment is the right fit for you. Call (702) 323-5643 now to make an appointment!

Call Now to Request Your FREE Neuropathy Relief Consultation, Exam and Doctor's Report

Spots Limited to the First 23 People who Call By Sunday, February 9th. Call Now to Reserve Your Spot.

(702) 323-5643

Response Deadline:
Sunday, February 9th

Benefits past patients have seen by coming in:

  • Improved Balance and Stability
  • Sleep Through the Night without Pain
  • Reduced Swelling
  • Increased Blood Flow to Legs and Feet
  • Improved Walking and Exercise

Call Now to Request Your FREE Neuropathy Relief Consultation

Spots Limited to the First 23 People who Call By Sunday, February 9th. Call Now to Reserve Your Spot.

(702) 323-5643

Response Deadline:
Sunday, February 9th

"I was on multiple meds, couldn't sleep and had a pain level of 9. Now I'm at 2 and the feeling is back without meds!" -Mary H., Actual Patient

"I used to have a lot of leg cramps when I was in bed at night. They have disappeared." -Henry S., Actual Patient

"I'm so thankful that I found the ad that changed my life in the Las Vegas Review. I had been stuck in my bed for three years. My husband of 23 years passed away 7-7-16, I'd given up. I had a cervical fusion with disc replacements back in 2005. I have severe Neuropathy, chronic pain throughout my entire body, and was diagnosed two years ago with Diabetes. Life sucked! The nerve damage in my legs was over 60% each leg.I started the program for Neuropathy on Feb 14, 2017, I was using my Wheel Walker when I walked in for my first treatment. Two treatments later, I was in tears and pain, demanding to know exactly how many more treatments I had to endure! Thanks to the patient Doctors and Staff, they assured me that it would get better. I was determined to get better or I was going to die trying. I followed the program exactly as it was prescribed, I started eating natural, organic food. Walking every day. Drank all the green and purple stuff! Stopped my meds, three types of insulin, 4500 mg Gabapentin, 400 mg Morphine, 120 mg Cymbalta, so many others. Now, all I take is 200 mg of Tramadol for the entire day. My last treatment day, I literally danced into the office. No wheels, no canes, just me on my own two feet! I LOVE ringing that bell! My nerve damage improved from 66% in my left leg down to 6%, 62% in the right down to 1%, ACTUAL RESULTS!I t's been six months now, still only taking Tramadol. Now, I live in my home state of Michigan, with my fiance, Derek, walking two miles every day. Completely different weather from what I've lived in for the past 25 years. I've lost EIGHTY-FIVE pounds. Down from size 22 to 12. My sugar this morning was 130. Down from 600. A1C in Feb was 13, July's was 8.5. Doc says if I keep going, I could be Diabetes free at the next A1C check in Nov. I literally owe my life to Dr Josh Purcell and all the girls! I will keep you ALL in my daily prayers forever! I'll never be able to thank you enough for giving me a second chance at life. If you are having doubts about this program, please believe me IT WORKS IF YOU DO IT! I was terrified of the price, since I only get Social Security Disability. I was able to finance the entire thing. It's only a four year loan and with these results, I would gladly pay a payment for the rest of my life to be out of the excruciating pain I was in. Don't get me wrong, I still have some pain, but I am 110% better than I was. I still continue soaking my feet and the heat therapy. I've started sitting in the tub with the electrodes. I'm noticing a difference in my neck and back. I can go on and on about how awesome this program is. I'm a gotta see it to believe it kind of person, I'm a BELIEVER! It works if you put in the effort! I'll send pics of the fish I catch in Alaska next July! We even planted a garden, and I'm canning tomatoes, pickles, all kinds of stuff. I wouldn't be able to do this without you and the program. Thank you all for changing my life.Ring that bell for me when you get this!!!" - Love to you all, Lori K., Actual Patient

* Disclaimer: Results may vary from individual to individual

Call Now to Request Your FREE Neuropathy Relief Consultation

Spots Limited to the First 23 People who Call By Sunday, February 9th. Call Now to Reserve Your Spot.

(702) 323-5643

Response Deadline:
Sunday, February 9th

"I used to have a lot of leg cramps when I was in bed at night. They have disappeared." -Henry S., Actual Patient

Listen to Actual Patients

Watch the videos below to hear patient experiences first hand.

* Disclaimer: Results may vary from individual to individual

Call Now to Begin Your Start to a Pain Free Life!

Find out if we can help you. The only thing you have to lose is your pain. Be one of the first 23 callers by Sunday, February 9th to secure your free consultation.

Call (702) 323-5643 now!